Organisational Change Management

Organisational Change Management (OCM) can help organisations to manage changes more effectively and minimise the impact of those changes on the organisation. This can include changes to people, process, culture and technology, and organisational structure. THinK Best Practice can help organisations achieve their objectives and realise the benefits of change more quickly and efficiently.

THinK Best Practice's OCM Service plans, communicates, and implements changes to an organisation in a structured manner to ensure that the investment an organisation makes is recognised through high end user adoption. THinK Best Practice minimises this risk of change and ensures the fastest path to your return on investment.

The THinK Best Practice OCM Service typically includes:

By focusing on these four aspects of your organisation, THinK Best Practice proactively instills industry best practices to enable your digital transformation.

Through analysis of your current state of the organisation, including its people, process, culture, and technology, our assessment helps to identify areas where change is required.

Based on the assessment, a change management strategy is developed that includes a plan for communication, training, stakeholder engagement, and risk management.

The change management strategy is then put into action, including training employees, updating processes and systems, and engaging with stakeholders.

After the change is implemented, the OCM Service can assess the impact on the organisation and the project’s objectives.

The OCM Service will work with the organisation to ensure that the change is sustained over time, including updating processes and systems, ongoing training, and continuous improvement, as required.

To learn more, contact one of our specialists today.